Hi Victoria, thank you for this wealth of information! I wanted to share my recent post/video that explores how illness can affect an entire family. You or your community may find it valuable so I thought to pass it along. Thank you. https://open.substack.com/pub/unfixed/p/its-a-family-affair?r=3lmmp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Victoria such an incredible amount of information here! I’ve read many and will be looking up a few more.

May I be so bold as to direct your readers who maybe struggle with communicating their needs to this valuable resource from the Center for Non-Violent Communication..


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Thanks, Kristin! This was the easiest way I could ensure readers can access the info I've curated over the last months, there are many more experts I want to introduce readers to.

ALWAYS feel free to share recommendations of resources that you find useful. I think this may fit in the communication section of Resonance as well. Thanks!!

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I was pretty sure you wouldn’t mind. I actually printed the list of feelings and words to better communicate feelings out, and used to refer to it often.

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