Thanks, Johanna. I've never lived so much life in such a short time. You can see it visually in the seismograph of my journey. Every caregiver rides a unique rollercoaster. When I plotted mine, I realised just how short, intense, and small these moments of joy were.
Thank you so much Victoria. We all need to talk about this and develop awareness around this issue. Not sure if you've watched the movie 'The Father' with Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Coleman. It shows events transpiring from the perspective of someone who has dementia. It really opened my eyes.
Thanks Naush - The Theory of Everything was too uncomfortable in terms of 'caring' so I avoided watching 'The Father', since I lived pieces of it. However, I applaud the mechanics of how they depicted his struggles. The other article I did 'the unforgettable impact on caregivers' has some more 'awareness' videos. thanks .
Thanks, Danusia On my homepage you'll see a new 'grouping' for Dementia. 'Dementia the unforgettable impact on Carers' is the first in the series. I appreciate your support.
Victoria, thank you so much for these resources. I would like to offer one more for those who are stateside: The Alzheimers Association has a 24/7 helpline that was a LIFE SAVER this week with my own elderly parent. I was able to connect with a trained professional within minutes of my call and they gave me specific action steps and emailed me a document with more information as follow up. The service is free.
‘thriving in the small moments’ perfectly captures for me, those moments when things are momentarily OK and carers have space to breathe.
Thanks, Johanna. I've never lived so much life in such a short time. You can see it visually in the seismograph of my journey. Every caregiver rides a unique rollercoaster. When I plotted mine, I realised just how short, intense, and small these moments of joy were.
Thank you so much Victoria. We all need to talk about this and develop awareness around this issue. Not sure if you've watched the movie 'The Father' with Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Coleman. It shows events transpiring from the perspective of someone who has dementia. It really opened my eyes.
Thanks Naush - The Theory of Everything was too uncomfortable in terms of 'caring' so I avoided watching 'The Father', since I lived pieces of it. However, I applaud the mechanics of how they depicted his struggles. The other article I did 'the unforgettable impact on caregivers' has some more 'awareness' videos. thanks .
This is such a solid and thoughtful array of resources Victoria! I’m happy to know where to direct people who need this.
Thank you for all your service to carers!
Thanks, Danusia On my homepage you'll see a new 'grouping' for Dementia. 'Dementia the unforgettable impact on Carers' is the first in the series. I appreciate your support.
Victoria, thank you so much for these resources. I would like to offer one more for those who are stateside: The Alzheimers Association has a 24/7 helpline that was a LIFE SAVER this week with my own elderly parent. I was able to connect with a trained professional within minutes of my call and they gave me specific action steps and emailed me a document with more information as follow up. The service is free.
Thanks, Kerri. I'm glad to hear you got the support you needed - This is the one you mean, right?
I'll add this to the article, where I noted Dementia organisations. It's good too have personal recommendations. Thank you!