
WARMTH OF TAGINE: [Chicken Tagine with Lamb Merguez Sausages and couscous]

The time when...my close friends visited me in Switzerland. I was hyper-stressed with work. My new apartment was a mess since I'd just relocated, and I felt torn between wanting to spend time with my friends and work deadlines. As I walked up the path to my apartment block, I saw the soft glow of candlelight and heard music. As I walked through the door I caught the smell of the Tagine. Only they know how to cook it the way I like with Merguez. The image of my rearranged living room, lit with candles and the smell of the tagine will be etched on my memory forever. I smelt the warmth of our friendship, the love we share for each other and the relaxed, relieved comfort of being myself. The Warmth of Tagine-with Merguez is 'our thing.

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What a beautiful olfactory memory! Thank you for sharing!

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You totally inspired me to write today’s contemplation! Actually you created the awareness of what was happening in the moment when mom was recalling a memory which doesn’t happen too often! Thank you!


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Ironic that I see this question today on St. Patrick’s Day. I did not often feel safe growing up (we all have our stories), but in the moments I did feel safe, I was with my Nana and Papa at their house in Salem Massachusetts as a small child. Papa was from Ireland and Nana would make corned beef and cabbage (traditional Irish meal on St. Patrick’s Day). So the smell of that meal brings me “home” and reminds me of a positive, safe time in my life. 💚🍀

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Oh Charlene, thank you for sharing. It's these memories that can transport us to safe places: 'brings me 'home'' and 'Corned Beef & Cabbage'. Heart Swell

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And Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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I remember the smell of freshly mowed lawns very well. I was in college in Wisconsin, and simply to have grass to walk on was a luxury to me. (Growing up in Hong Kong, there were no lawns in public spaces that were for walking on. “Keep off the grass” signs were all we got.) I especially appreciated that smell after the long and bitter winters. It was also the smell I remember when I received the very first kiss of my life ;-)

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Author

Aww, such a great memory, & a first kiss moment!! Thanks for sharing, Louisa!

I can smell the freshly cut grass, now! It reminds me of when I was a kid and Dad had mowed the garden lawn...sneezing with hayfever with every stripe he made. ;-)

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Yes, I will never forget that first kiss moment :-)

I'm sorry you had to endure sneezing and hayfever. Not a pleasant experience! I also developed severe allergy to pollen after having lived in Wisconsin for 3 years. Not fun!

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I must've sneezed the memory into my mind though ;-) I still love the smell of freshly cut grass!

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Ha ha ha!

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