Since reading, have you been able to integrate an extended emotional vocabulary and apply Brown's precepts? How have your relationships improved as a consequence?

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Salut Anna, merci pour les petites questions.

I first encountered Brené Brown's work in 2015, and I've benefited from every one of her books. The gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong - each has offered a fresh perspective and new insights that have helped me articulate thoughts and feelings. It wasn't a great surprise to me that Brené would write a book on Emotional Granularity. I never strictly apply every idea and thought rigidly, I like to see how things weave into my thinking and approach - but yes Atlas of the Heart and all Brené's work have been very influential & helpful.

Re. relationships:

It was around 2015 when my father had a major hospitalisation. (https://www.carermentor.com/p/personal-reflection-and-resources?r=a9y7d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)

Atlas of the Heart is one additional piece that I have added to my 'toolbox' to help me become more emotionally agile. When you explore more of my caregiver journey you'll see how emotional granularity and agility, has been essential in my daily caregiving of my parents, and in particular in the end of life-palliative care of my father.

This is why I wanted to share all these articles on emotions, emotional granularity —to support others on their caregiving journey. It has been invaluable to my mental health and wellbeing.

Thank you for your comments and questions! A long answer but I hope this offers more insights behind my opinion of the book.

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It's in my bookshelf. I'm putting off reading it because it's a hardback and it's really heavy. If that falls on my face when I'm reading it in bed I might get concussion. So, I'm waiting for a 7 day vacation so I can read it on the beach - sitting up, where all that's at stake is my strawberry daiquiri

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🤣😂 My first read, esp non-fiction is always via Kindle-app on my computer/phone so I can highlight in different colours (yes I'm a complete nerd - I've colour-coded different types of highlights and then I can export the highlights to my 'book reference' vault...🤓)I'm more winged-armchair-reading, and chablis if I have a few respite days away. ;-)

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Great idea! I think we need to start a movement where all physical books are accompanied by ebooks......

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