Beautiful poem from a beautiful soul. Thank you for everything you do to lift others up, help advance the knowledge of the importance of caregivers and for being a source of strength and inspiration. I’m so glad we connected!
Thank you!! It feels good to know this was where it started and just ahead of the collaboration initiative, this is where we are together as a community now. Symmetry is a beautiful thing when it happens! xo
We're conditioned to deem things positive and negative but actually to paraphrase Susan David, 'Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility.'
'How to navigate' is one of our most 'human' gift skills, yet we think all positive, comfortable IS a 'good life' - it's an impossible delusion. Tapping into agility as a community and social need could help us help each other SO much more...ooops soap boxing!
So, Yes, you astutely pointed to 4 lines in the poem that get to the heart of today's issues.
Yes, I'm with you all the way. Your sentiments reflect the multi-dimensionality of our human life. I truly believe that without having the experience of the darkest hell, we wouldn't be able to deeply feel the greatest joy. What I like about your poem is that it paints this multi-dimensional picture really well, and it highlights the importance of inclusiveness rather than focusing only on the "fit, happy, healthy and well."
THANK YOU, Louisa. You've precisely articulated what I hoped to achieve! I'm very grateful for your thoughts and insightful contributions to our community. I appreciate you!
Thank you, Nancy! Thank you for taking the time to comment—it's my number one measure of whether my work is resonating and adding value. Much appreciated!!
Fantastic poem. From all that I have seen, you have successfully achieved creating a wonderful community for carers to find useful information and support from one another. Much respect and success to you.
Awww, Lisa....slightly welling up here! Thank you so much for your kind words and for using some of your precious time to comment. It means so much to me that the value of my work and the community we're building together is seen and valued.
Aww, Thanks Amber! Just goes to show that in many ways, we write to mark our journey and if no one sees it right now, they will one day! As it was the first article, it had 0 engagement ;-) I'm so pleased its resonating for our community today! Thanks for your support.and being part of the journey xo
Wonderful poem and you are running a great site to offer support and information to Carers. You do seem to understand the fear and ambivalence so many feel on our often unchosen 'journey' in a Society that seems to have little understanding of our needs.
Amazing words, Victoria. They capture and convey you and this community so well. Thank you for walking your talk x 🙏🏼
Thanks, Susan! You and everyone in this community make it what it is. Thanks to you xo
Congratulations, too! Birthing new projects is always a process.
Thank you for re-sharing this, Victoria. I hadn’t read it but I’m so happy I finally did. It is truly beautiful!!
Thank you, for those kind words, Cherie! I appreciate you!
Beautiful poem from a beautiful soul. Thank you for everything you do to lift others up, help advance the knowledge of the importance of caregivers and for being a source of strength and inspiration. I’m so glad we connected!
Thank you!! It feels good to know this was where it started and just ahead of the collaboration initiative, this is where we are together as a community now. Symmetry is a beautiful thing when it happens! xo
Beautiful poem Victoria, you’ve accomplished your mission of creating a Carer Community. Grateful for your empathetic presence on Substack!
Thank you for those kind words, Deb. I appreciate the feedback. Everyone reading and commenting is making this a caring community
Powerful poem that describes so aptly how it is to be a carer as well as how your inner calling was shaped. I particularly like this:
A hidden topic AND untapped source society cannot discuss
Because it's not cool to acknowledge or make a fuss,
that life's not only about being fit, happy, healthy and well
but also about how to navigate the strife and living hell.
Thanks, Louisa. YES, for me too.
We're conditioned to deem things positive and negative but actually to paraphrase Susan David, 'Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility.'
'How to navigate' is one of our most 'human' gift skills, yet we think all positive, comfortable IS a 'good life' - it's an impossible delusion. Tapping into agility as a community and social need could help us help each other SO much more...ooops soap boxing!
So, Yes, you astutely pointed to 4 lines in the poem that get to the heart of today's issues.
Yes, I'm with you all the way. Your sentiments reflect the multi-dimensionality of our human life. I truly believe that without having the experience of the darkest hell, we wouldn't be able to deeply feel the greatest joy. What I like about your poem is that it paints this multi-dimensional picture really well, and it highlights the importance of inclusiveness rather than focusing only on the "fit, happy, healthy and well."
THANK YOU, Louisa. You've precisely articulated what I hoped to achieve! I'm very grateful for your thoughts and insightful contributions to our community. I appreciate you!
Beautiful, Victoria! It's a manifest of your mission. Your space has done this and so much more. Appreciate you!
Beautiful poem! I appreciate all you do to help us through this journey.
Thank you, Nancy! Thank you for taking the time to comment—it's my number one measure of whether my work is resonating and adding value. Much appreciated!!
Fantastic poem. From all that I have seen, you have successfully achieved creating a wonderful community for carers to find useful information and support from one another. Much respect and success to you.
Awww, Lisa....slightly welling up here! Thank you so much for your kind words and for using some of your precious time to comment. It means so much to me that the value of my work and the community we're building together is seen and valued.
Brilliant poem, beautiful 💖
Aww, Thanks Amber! Just goes to show that in many ways, we write to mark our journey and if no one sees it right now, they will one day! As it was the first article, it had 0 engagement ;-) I'm so pleased its resonating for our community today! Thanks for your support.and being part of the journey xo
Wonderful poem and you are running a great site to offer support and information to Carers. You do seem to understand the fear and ambivalence so many feel on our often unchosen 'journey' in a Society that seems to have little understanding of our needs.
Thanks, Helena. xo
Thanks, Kristin. xo