
Congratulations. You're providing amazing support for caregivers.

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Thank you, Janice. That means a lot is coming from you. My highest measure of 'adding value' is feedback from other caregivers. Thanks!

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I actually thought you'd been around longer! A milestone, congrats!

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Aw, thanks - 👶🏻 am still a little toddler...but perhaps it is because even when I started from Zero, I had 3 websites worth of building from scratch under my belt...literal moving blocks, formatting, putting T&Cs, etc. together ugh SO so pleased that Substack does that for us!

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Congrats on your 6 month anniversary! I'm coming up to a year soon but I felt like the first 6 months were really formative

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Thanks, Zan!

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Congrats on your anniversary! 🎉

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Thanks, Kevin! It doesn't seem like 6-months but then I look at all the content! Hence why I wanted to give new subscribers an alternative doorway into the info ;-) Without a tsunami or a maze.

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