Thanks Victoria! An insightful interview. Strongly agree with the following:

'Care work has historically been undervalued as work, and it's been historically underpaid. It's, therefore, also historically been given over to people who aren't of very high status in society: women, slaves, servants, and working-class people.'

We need a complete recalibration in how we perceive work and the value we attach to it.

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Thanks, Nausch. I appreciate your comment and wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, ingrained beliefs and government/social policy/system changes, are not keeping pace with the current sociodemographic trends and needs.

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Victoria, thank you for sharing this interview. It’s important to see how caring became low-status, poorly paid work once it moved out of the home. Things weren’t always this way.

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Thanks, Mary. Yes, many contributing factors have led us to where we are now. I hope we can each equip ourselves with insights and information like these, to shift the narrative and beliefs around care, even if it's 'just' one coffee-chat at a time.

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